Today, I got rejected.

Today, I got rejected for representation by an agency that manages, among other things, UX designers. How could this happen? I know the design process is important. Of course I keep up to date with the latest trends. My color palettes are extensively thought out, down to the exact shade. I feel confident that I am, in my day to day work, the shiz. So where did I go wrong?

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When Individual App Features Become a Larger-Than-Life Monster: Auditing a Franken-Brand

I recently started a project with a client who was managing a successful suite of web & mobile applications, all under the umbrella of their digital brand guidelines. This was a small team and resources were tight, so managing that many apps over multiple swimlanes was threatening to create a monster soon - a monster I refer to as the Franken-Brand.

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49 Phrase Inspirations for Rewarding User Engagement

When done right, proper gamification of actions within your app can increase feature engagement, give you influence over your user’s actions, and even increase brand loyalty. With so many companies embracing these methods, it’s no wonder we see the same things over and over again. The concept still remains, but it’s vital to stay fresh and give users real value through gamification. Badges and simple awards aren’t enough to keep users coming back. Tweet: Below are some concepts to get your creativity brewing!

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